Digital Officer – SEO MANAGER americanas sa
Richard Fenning
Richard Fenning from Dublin, Ireland; has been living in Latin America for over 10 years, first Buenos Aires, Argentina, and now Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Richard graduated from University College Dublin (UCD) with a degree in Economics and Politics. Richard then attended UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate Business School, where he achieved a Postgraduate Masters in Marketing Science.
Richard has a passion for technology , where he has been working since 2008. Digital marketing is his specialised area and over the years he has worked with agencies, apps, large e-commerce sites and some of the top brands in Latin America, helping them grow their businesses online. Richard is currently the SEO Manager in americanas sa.
Richard was involved in the creation of the IBNA (Irish Business Network Argentina) since 2012, when it was established by President Michael D. O’Higgins; in the IBNA, Richard held the Vice-President position.
Richard has been involved with the IBNB from the start and is looking forward to creating stronger commercial ties between Brazil and Ireland.