Learn from a networking expert the skills you need to build and nurture a strong network in the crisis.
About this Event
Important: This online event will be held in English.
The Consulate General of Ireland in São Paulo, Alumni Ireland and the Irish Business Network Brazil, would like to invite you to a seminar that will help you transform your networking skills in these challenging times.
The seminar will be held online using the meeting platform Zoom and to participate you must subscribe to receive the meeting ID number.
About the speaker
Kingsley Aikins is an acclaimed networking expert from Ireland and is known for his highly motivating and captivating seminars. He is the CEO of The Networking Institute and his company has worked with organisations such as Unicef, LinkedIn and Accenture, to name but a few.
You can learn more about his work and his company by checking out their website: www.thenetworkinginstitute.com
Connect with the organisers
You can follow the Consulate General of Ireland on Twitter
Alumni Ireland is on Instagram and LinkedIn
The Irish Business Network Brazil is on Twitter and LinkedIn
Mark on your diary
When: Friday, July-10th, at 8:00 am (Brasilia standard time).
Where: Zoom online meeting (zoom.us)
Important: while not mandatory, we recommend you download the app for a better online experience with Zoom.
Register for the event: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/networking-in-times-of-covid-tickets-112258331692
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